"Give Me A Big Kiss... We've Won, We've Won, We've Won!"
"Last Monday afternoon there
was a knock on our front door. I opened it, to find our good friend and
neighbour whom we'd introduced to VWD last February standing there with
the biggest grin on her face you've ever seen!
'Are you all right Jean?' I asked, 'What can I do for you?'
'Give me a big kiss!' she screamed, 'we've won, we've won, we've won!'
I don't think I've ever seen anyone more excited in my life; it was fantastic.
She came in and proceeded to tell my wife and I how she had just received a phone call from VWD telling her she had won on last Saturday's UK Lotto.
She said she thought it strange at first, because only that morning she had received a cheque from VWD for £17.86 for some previous winnings.
She said: 'When the girl called from VWD to say I'd won and they were sending me a cheque, I said "I know, I've already got it!" But then the girl said: "No, this is another cheque for £2,761.14 because your syndicate has just won £135,296!'"
She said: 'I just couldn't believe it, so I went straight to teletext and it showed that I did have those four balls. But if I had bought the ticket myself with those numbers on I would've won just £60!'
'We're so grateful to you... because if you hadn't mentioned this syndicate system to us we would never have known about it. That's why you're coming out for a slap up meal with us!'
We thought it far too generous a gesture, but she insisted... and last Thursday we all went out for a superb meal.
Now, apart from the great meal, of course, what makes me feel so good is that Jean may never have heard about the e-Lottery syndicate if I hadn't mentioned it to her.
What a great Christmas present, and what better proof — if proof were needed — that you are much better off playing in an e-Lottery syndicate than on your own.
This time it was just a few thousand pounds, but we could literally change someone's life forever.
Don't be frightened to mention this fantastic system to anyone. After all, what is there to be afraid of?
Simply let everyone know what you know — either through a DVD or a visit to your website — so they can decide for themselves whether they want to get involved.
Merry Christmas."
Stuart Gale - Executive Affiliate
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e-lottery Syndicate is run by VWD Ltd
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