Submit Your Lottery Syndicate
For Review

If you run a lottery syndicate and it isn't already listed on our site - it's most likely because we haven't found you yet!

To get a review of your lottery syndicate listed here, just complete the form below. It is very worthwhile as we are now the No.1 'go to' site for everything lottery syndicate related. So if your syndicate is a good one, that's plenty of people who are looking for your site.

NB. Only submit Syndicate Reviews here -
for everything else please use the Contact Us page

The more information you can tell us about your syndicate the better - so it is useful to know when you launched, roughly how many members you have, what your goals are the syndicate, as well as the usual mechanics such as how people join, what lottery games you play and how often etc.

If your syndicate is listed in our pending reviews section, you don't need to submit it, but please feel free to provide any additional information that can't be found on your site.

Submit My Syndicate For Review

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