LottoLishus Winners - First Powerball Draw
The new kids on the US syndicate block have now gone live with their first group plays. And have released a nice little graphic to illustrate how things went:-

You can find our initial review of LottoLishus here.
So as you can see things have started out small with just 48 tickets for this first draw. That's no bad thing of course, it's better they start small and grow rather than get swamped with new players and collapse under the strain!
And out of those 48 tickets, 2 picked up a prize - which due to the way the group is organised meant 19 players got a share in those prizes in the end. Or to put it in the nice headline way - 53% of their players won.
As word spreads of course, the group will get much bigger and be buying a lot more tickets. Which leads to more prizes too of courses.
We'll be keeping an eye on the groups and letting you know how things go from here.
Back with more nerdy stats thanks to owners Mark & Dave ;-)
This time for the Mega Millions draw:-

This time there were 81 tickets played - so more popular than the Powerball game (rightly so in my opinion - same odds at half the ticket price..?). But 6 winning tickets this time, which via LottoLishus magic'ery saw 54% of players receive a share of the winnings.
More Information:-
LottoLishus Winnings: w/c 16 Jan 2017 - here's an update on their winnings stats for the week of 16th Jan 2016.
LottoLishus Winnings: w/c 23 Jan 2017 - more stats, winnings for the week commencing 23rd Jan 2017.
LottoLishus Winnings: w/c 13 Feb 2017 - these are for the week commencing 13th Feb 2017.
LottoLishus Winnings: w/c 3 Apr 2017 - more stats for the week of 3rd Apr 2017.