Share The Love - Can You help?

We do our best to help out confused and frustrated lottery players. And we spend a lot of time answering questions by email. (Hey, it's fun too, we like chatting to you guys!)
But it's really hard to cut through the nonsense sometimes.
You've probably noticed how much garbage and bad information there is online about playing the lottery..?
So if we helped you out today, and you feel the urge to return some love, please do. It makes us feel great, and it helps the useful stuff rise above all the nonsense. And that helps out lots of other people too.
Here's some quick ways you can share a little love:-
1. Give us a quick Facebook Like
Just click the button and we instantly feel a little more loved :-)
2. Tell a Friend
Do you know someone who loves playing the lottery, but would like a little help?
Why not email them a link. Our questions page is popular. Or they can get a free copy of our 'What Really Works!' book - it's saved hundreds of people a lot of wasted time and money.
3. Like our Facebook Page
Enjoy reading about lottery winners? We post lots of great stories about winners all over the world to our Facebook page here - come and join the fun.

4. Got a Favourite Page?
If there's a page you really like, please share it anywhere. That helps a lot. Our odds of winning the lottery guide for example has helped a lot of people finally understand the odds.
Places like Facebook make this really easy - just copy the link from your web browser, and paste it into Facebook, it auto-magically becomes a nice link with a preview of the page and everything.
5. Link to Anything!
If you have a blog, or write for a website of any kind, a link to any page on our site you think is good is really appreciated. No need to write anything fancy or epic - even just a "P.S. this page is cool" makes us smile for a week :-)
Not sure how? Here's a pain free 'copy and paste' box:
But you can of course link to any page using any text you like - whatever makes sense for your site.
6. Do you Tweet..?
We're now on Twitter too, so you can also follow our updates there. Just ReTweet anything you find interesting.

Thank You
Thanks again from us. We're glad you found us in the first place as we enjoy talking with all our fellow lottery fans.
But also, thanks for any sharing you can do. Hope to able to help you again soon.
You give a little love and it all comes back to you... :-)