Lotto Magic Florida Add Mega Millions
Now that Mega Millions is coming to Florida, the Lotto Magic team have decided to add options to play both Mega Millions and Florida Mega Money.

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The first draw for Mega Millions in Florida will be 17th May 2013.
But as Lotto Magic work on a monthly cycle they will start playing the new games from 1st June 2013. They will be playing both Tuesday and Friday draws for both games.
Jackpots for Mega Millions start at $12 Million every draw, but regularly roll over to much bigger jackpots.
Mega Money starts at $500,000 but has a jackpot cap at $2 Million. When it reaches this level the whole amount can roll down to the next prize tier if not won on that draw. To win the jackpot you have to match 4 numbers from 44, plus 1 from 22 (the Megaball) which gives odds of 1 in 2,986,522.
Florida Lotto Magic has been running since 1996, so they are now in the 17th year of operation. The latest changes demonstrate their commitment to be around for a lot longer to come.
More Lotto Magic News:-
23 Apr 2013 Lotto Magic Florida Adds New Games - with Mega Millions arriving in Florida, the Lotto Magic team have decided to add options to play both Mega Millions and Mega Money.
14 Mar 2013 Nice 5-hit winner for one group on the Fl Lotto, winning a prize of $6714.00.